Alhamdulillah we held our winter youth inter-Masajid 6-a-side football tournament for ages 12-16 on Saturday 18 December 2021 at Wadham Lodge (Kitchener Road, E17 4LL). It was very successful with participation from 10 teams across Waltham Forest, namely:

Cann Hall Deen & Education Trust – Cann Hall Youth
Chingford Islamic & Cultural Society – Team Salahuddin
Fatima Elizabeth Phrontistery – Fatima Elizabeth Football Club
Higham Hill Maktab – HHMCT
Jamia Sirajul Uloom – Dead Ballers FC
Lantern of Knowledge School – LOK
Masjid Abu Bakr – MAB Youth FC
Masjid Tawhid – Masjid Tawhid
Masjid Usman – Masjid Usman Institution of Football

Other organisations were also interested but were unable to submit a team due to the short event notice.

Cann Hall Youth won the trophy 🏆, Fatima Elizabeth FC won silver and LOK won the B-Tournament!

Salaahs were performed on the pitch – lead by Imam Saeed Pathan, Ustaadh Habeel and Imam Mohammed Moreea. Adhans were called by participating youth. It was a great atmosphere MashaAllah!

Imam Hassan was the host who gave an initial reminder about Akhlaq & mannerisms which was reinforced at the final presentation by an award to recognise the good Akhlaq & sportsmanship of Adam Ahmed from Fatima Elizabeth FC.

Shaykh Mujahid gave a brief Nasiha after Asr about how the Sahaba learnt Islam by being out & about in the company of the Prophet (sallallahu`alayhi wasallam). He also mentioned that we are living in testing times & that many things will change but Islam will not change & we will not change our faith & adherence to the ways of the Prophet (sallallahu`alayhi wasallam)!

Ustaadh Hamid spoke after Maghrib about how life is like a game wherein we are in a constant battle with Shaytan & our desires. Like all games, this life will end & we will face an everlasting reality in the Hereafter which we must prepare for. Ustaadh also mentioned that Islam is a holistic way of life which is exemplified in that the Prophet (sallallahu`alayhi wasallam) encouraged learning archery as well as Salaah.

The feedback so far from team managers, the youth & their parents has been very positive.

Jazakumullah Khairan to everyone that participated or contributed in any way. Allah accept & keep us all steadfast.

Jazakumullah Khairan also to the following organisations for sponsoring the event: Cann Hall Deen & Education Trust, Masjid Abu Bakr, Masjid e Umer, Chingford Islamic & Cultural Society, Fatima Elizabeth Phrontistery, Lantern of Knowledge School and Masjid e Usman. A special appreciation goes to Ayesha Community Education who covered any remaining costs. (ACE is raising funds to build wells in Africa. Email