Serving The Local Borough
All it takes is a small step in the right direction with the help of Allah
On 8th December 2016, a small group of Imams & Scholars came together in Imam Shoyaib’s living room to discuss how to provide guidance and leadership to local Muslims and how to work for the best interests of the Waltham Forest community. Since then, the group has been navigating and trialing various ideas and ways of working under the name Waltham Forest Ulama (WFU).
This setup is entirely independent and not linked to any government body, media outlet and particular Muslim organisation. WFU has formed somewhat informally based on common interests and prior established connections.
WFU Departments
Recent Projects
Voluntary Safeguarding
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting [...]
Mental Health Training
In July 2018 WFU teamed up with Inspirited Minds, an [...]
Ramadan Schools Advice Pack
In the build up to Ramadan 2018 and 2019, WFU [...]